
Two Great Projects Worthy of Your Sponsorship 

The first of these projects that we would like you to kindly consider is the:

Lea Valley Experience Museum Project 

Very few people today are aware of the importance that the Lea Valley played in the development of our industrial past.

It is a little known fact that there have been more industrial first achievements in the valley than anywhere else in the World!

To-date we have recorded well over one hundred achievements, with some fifty of these in transportation alone, which will be the main theme of the museum. 

The concept and vision of the project has taken 12 years of extensive research and planning to conceive, and has already been described as the most exciting and unique museum project in the UK for years.

The project is based in Walthamstow and is being developed in and around a Grade II listed building, and its unique Marshall 1897steam engines. 

The proposed new development will also include:

Engineering and a Training workshop.
Education Centre.
Community facilities.

We have already built up quite a collection of artefacts, with pledges of more to come once the development meets with the required museum standards.

The second of our projects which would like you to kindly consider for support is:

The Celebration of 100 Years of British Aviation
AVRO 2009

Supporting the event to-date: The Roe Family, Network Rail, The Lea Valley Park, The London Borough of Waltham Forest, The Lea Valley Experience Museum Project. 

I am also managing the plans for the celebration.

The project is also directly linked to the Lea Valley Experience Museum Project, I will explain!

In July 1909 A V Roe made the first British flight in an all-British built aeroplane with a British engine on Walthamstow Marshes.

The celebrations to mark this event will take place on the marshes in July 2009, and also at the museum.

Plans for the event are well underway; these will include the taxing out of a full size replica of the 1909 tri-plane from under the railway arches were the original plane was constructed, plus a fly past of vintage AVRO planes down the Lea Valley, which we also hope will include the Vulcan bomber. The event will also celebrate the many transport achievements that have also happened in the valley. 

The replica tri-plane is now being constructed at Manchester. 

Eric Roe, who is AV’s grandson, is kindly sponsoring the cost of its construction. The tri-plane will then go on permanent show at the Lea Valley Experience Museum in the AVRO aviation gallery, when the gallery is constructed. 

So there you have it, two great and unique projects well worthy of you support! 

Obviously at this stage I would not expect you to sponsor us without knowing more details about our plans, so I propose the following way forward:

Please email me at or write to me, Mr Lindsay Collier MA, , stating your interest.

I will then arrange a convenient date with you to visit the museum site, and give you a presentation on the projects, should you so desire.

Without these two projects Britain’s greatest industrial story will be lost forever. 

We must now ensure that Britain’s Best Kept Secret will not become just that! and that future generations can enjoy and learn about the Lea Valleys exciting Heritage.

Thank You

If you would like to be involved with sponsoring any of our projects please Lindsay Collier

©The Pump House Steam & Transport Museum Trust
Walthamstow .